Weekly Updates

Sleepy Hollow Noticias y anuncios en español/1 day 2 hours ago

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February 10th, 2025

Accede a las noticias que elijas en español

Dear Parents,

I am sure you have heard that a winter storm is heading our way.....again! 

The announcement for a school delay or school closure due to weather is posted on the FCPS website, FCPS social media such as Instagram and Twitter. I post on Talking Points to all families these updates immediately. 

On a warm note, Sleepy Hollow Elementary School was recognized last Thursday evening for two important achievments. First, Ms. Fugle was recognized as the Virginia State Computer Technology Teacher of the Year! Sleepy Hollow was then recognized for the 70th anniversary as an elementary school. It was an exciting evening. Thank you to all the staff and families who proudly attended the event. 

Stay safe and stay warm,

Principal Vega & Assistant Principal Bermudez

FCPS Calendar

Kiss and Ride Safety 

Please continue to follow the school procedures for Kiss & Ride especially this week with possible snow in the forecast. 

  • No parking in the school parking lot. Students and families should not be walking through the vehicles at the kiss & ride line, this is very dangerous. 
  • If you need to park, please park along Sleepy Hollow Road and walk your student through the main entrance at door #1
  • Have your child ready to exit the vehicle so we can move through the Kiss & Ride line efficiently. 
  • Please avoid speeding in the parking lot and practice courtesy and kindness. Remember our students are watching us!

We appreciate you!

Important Dates

February 10 - 3 Hour Early Release day for students 

February 10 - 14th Celebrate Kindness Week!

February 12 - 100th Day of School!

February 17 - President's Day, School Closed 

February 21 - Rescheduled Principal's Family Coffee, Topic: What does it mean to be a Title 1 school? Please join in person or by Zoom. I will provide a Zoom link prior to the meeting. Translation is provided. 

Black History Month Celebration – Date Change

The event begins with a light reception followed by a formal program, From the Threads of Our Past to the Fabric of Our Future. The program will honor the enduring contributions of Black history and culture while envisioning a future rooted in equity and excellence. It will include inspiring performances, personal stories, reflections, and opportunities to connect and celebrate. The event is open to the entire community.

Kindergarten Registration 

🧸 Kindergarten Registration: It’s as Easy as 1-2-3…

There’s an easy five-step process for parents wanting to register their child for kindergarten:

  1. Determine eligibility. 
  2. Identify your local school. 
  3. Gather documents. 
  4. Fill out forms. 
  5. Schedule an appointment at Sleepy Hollow with Ms. Menendez at (703) 237 - 7000 or email at [email protected] 

After the appointment at the Sleepy Hollow (the student and one guardian must be present), the student and family will be invited to attend our Kindergarten Orientation on April 1, 2025.  Read more about the registration process. For additional information, please contact Ms. Menendez, our school registrar. 

Online registration for the 2025-26 school year is open. Parents/caregivers may register their children online for kindergarten through 12th grade. Learn how to begin the online registration process

When registering, parents/caregivers will need to create or log in to an existing SIS ParentVUE account

  • Make Sure Your Children Are Up-to-Date on Immunizations
  • Please make sure your child has all of their necessary immunizations. Remember, all students are required to be immunized against certain diseases to attend school in Virginia. This is an important part of keeping children healthy!

Starting Monday, May 19, students who have not provided proof of immunization may not be allowed to attend school. You can check your child’s immunization status and submit updated immunization information by accessing SIS ParentVUE

Please check with your healthcare provider to make sure your child is up to date on required immunizations for the 2024-25 school year. If your child needs an immunization, make an appointment with your healthcare provider, visit the Fairfax County Health Department website for a list of child immunization clinics, or view other Immunization Resources. Be wise and immunize!

3333 Sleepy Hollow Road, Falls Church, VA 22044 | Main Office: 703.237.7000
Attendance: 703.237.7097 | Web | Twitter

Weekly Updates

Sleepy Hollow Noticias y anuncios en español/1 week ago

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February 3rd, 2025

Accede a las noticias que elijas en español

Dear Parents,

As we begin the third quarter of the school year, we are also approaching the exciting milestone of the 100th day of school! It is truly wonderful to see our students growing in so many ways—not just academically, but also in important life skills such as kindness, empathy, acceptance, tolerance, and patience.

This growth would not be possible without our shared commitment to partnership. Please know that I am always available for your suggestions, ideas, questions, and any areas needing improvement. I care deeply about the work we do at Sleepy Hollow and take great pride in our school community.

Thank you for your continued support!

Principal Vega & Assistant Principal Bermudez

FCPS Calendar

Important Dates

February 3-7 is National School Counseling Week, give a special shout out to Dr. Cottle who has made a tremendous impact helping students achieve academic success and social emotional strategies. We appreciate Dr. Cottle!

February 4- 2nd quarter report cards available in SIS ParentVUE

February 6 - School Board Honorary Proclamation of Sleepy Hollow Elementary School's 70th Anniversary. Join us at the FCPS School Board Meeting at 7:00 p.m. Luther Jackson Middle School, Falls Church 

February 7 - Postponed Principal Coffee to February 21 at 9:00 am in library or Zoom.

February 10 - 3 Hour Early Release day for students 

February 10 - 14th Celebrate Kindness Week!

February 12 - 100th Day of School!

February 17 - President's Day, School Closed 

February 21 - Rescheduled Principal's Family Coffee, Topic: What does it mean to be a Title 1 school? Please join in person or by Zoom. I will provide a Zoom link prior to the meeting. Translation is provided. 

Kindergarten Registration 

🧸 Kindergarten Registration: It’s as Easy as 1-2-3…

There’s an easy five-step process for parents wanting to register their child for kindergarten:

  1. Determine eligibility. 
  2. Identify your local school. 
  3. Gather documents. 
  4. Fill out forms. 
  5. Schedule an appointment at Sleepy Hollow with Ms. Menendez at (703) 237 - 7000 or email at [email protected] 

After the appointment at the Sleepy Hollow (the student and one guardian must be present), the student and family will be invited to attend our Kindergarten Orientation on April 1, 2025.  Read more about the registration process. For additional information, please contact Ms. Menendez, our school registrar. 

Online registration for the 2025-26 school year is open. Parents/caregivers may register their children online for kindergarten through 12th grade. Learn how to begin the online registration process

When registering, parents/caregivers will need to create or log in to an existing SIS ParentVUE account

Budget Proposed Budget Presented to School Board

Superintendent Dr. Michelle Reid presented the Fiscal Year (FY) 2026 Proposed Budget at the School Board meeting on Thursday, January 23. Watch a video of the presentation

As Dr. Reid noted in her January 24 letter to families, “The budget is fiscally responsible and invests in excellence — not just for FCPS, but for all of us in Fairfax County who want a strong community with successful young people, dedicated educators and support staff, and a thriving economy.” 

The proposed budget reflects the needs of and FCPS’ commitments to Fairfax County students, families, and community members. It focuses on competitive compensation, including a 7.0% salary increase for all staff to recruit and retain our outstanding educators, administrators, and other school-based and operational staff dedicated to the success of our students; investing in students who require additional support; and continuing multiyear initiatives such as inclusive preschool and safety and security updates.

Learn more on the Budget webpage

Kiss and Ride Safety 

Thank you everyone for keeping our students safe. We appreciate everyone following the path of the Kiss & Ride and not parking in the parking lot to avoid crossing vehicles in the K&R line. 

We appreciate you!

📍 Virtual Community Boundary Review Meetings

If you have not been able to attend a Community Boundary Review meeting yet, it’s not too late! The following virtual meetings will have the same format and information available as the previous in-person meetings:

Click one of the dates above to register and receive your unique Zoom link. Please note that each virtual meeting will be capped at 400 participants to help provide a meaningful experience for all. Language interpretation will be available. Learn about FCPS’ Comprehensive Boundary Review. Sign up for the School Boundary Review newsletter for updates.

🏗️ FCPS’ Proposed Construction Projects Offer Community-Wide Benefits

Fairfax County Public Schools updated plans for new school construction, capacity enhancements, and renovations are outlined in the proposed FY 2026-30 Capital Improvement Program (CIP). Projects include constructing two new elementary schools; renovations at 18 elementary schools, two middle schools, and two high schools; and relocation of modular buildings.

The proposed CIP was presented to the School Board at the January 14 work session. A public hearing was also held January 14. The School Board will take action on the proposed CIP at its Thursday, February 6, meeting.

3333 Sleepy Hollow Road, Falls Church, VA 22044 | Main Office: 703.237.7000
Attendance: 703.237.7097 | Web | Twitter

Weekly Updates

Sleepy Hollow Noticias y anuncios en español/2 weeks ago

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January 27, 2025

Accede a las noticias que elijas en español

Dear Parents,

I have included the community letter from Dr. Reid and resources available to families below. I hope everyone had a peaceful weekend and I look forward to a week ahead of continued peace, joyful learning, and warm hearts. 


Thank you for always being a part of a loving and caring community for our students and staff. Stay safe. 

Principal Vega & Assistant Principal Bermudez

FCPS Calendar

Community Letter from Dr. Reid

Committment to Supporting All FCPS Families

EnglishVersion.mp3 Recording

SpanishVersion.mp3 Recording 

Resources for Families Page on FCPS


Important Dates

January 27 - Picture Retake Day

January 28 - End of Quarter 2

January 29 - Holiday Lunar New Year & Teacher Work Day, School closed

February 6 - School Board Honorary Proclamation of Sleepy Hollow Elementary School's 70th Anniversary. Join us at the FCPS School Board Meeting at 7:00 p.m. Luther Jackson Middle School, Falls Church 

February 10 - 3 Hour Early Release day for students 

February 17 - President's Day, School Closed 

Kiss and Ride Safety Reminder

To ensure the safety of all students, staff, and our community, please follow these important Kiss and Ride procedures:

  • Follow the flow of traffic: Drive down to the end of the Kiss and Ride line.
  • Staff assistance: Your child will be assisted in exiting the vehicle by a staff member or safety patrol in the morning.
  • No passing: Do not pass other vehicles in the Kiss and Ride line.
  • Handicap parking: Only park in the handicap area if you are authorized and display a handicap tag.

Thank you for your cooperation and for prioritizing the safety of everyone at our school!

Glasgow Rising 6th Grade Night

Current 5th Grade Families:

You are invited to attend Glasgow’s Rising 6th Grade Middle School Transition Night on Thursday, January 30th from 6:00pm – 8:00pm. All students/children in attendance must be accompanied and supervised by an adult.

It is a wonderful opportunity:

  • Meet Ms. Lisa Barrow, new GMS Principal
  • Learn about various programming options such as Multilingual Learner, Special Education supports, Math options, AVID, etc.
  • Attend Student panel where current GMS students will be available to answer questions you or your child may have. 
  • Attend a Family Engagement Session that will be focused on how families can support their child’s success at Glasgow. 

Bus transportation is available for families who need it.  Buses will pick up and drop off at the following locations:

  • Baileys Elementary 6111 Knollwood Dr, Bailey's Crossroads, VA 22041
  • Skyline 5599 Seminary Rd, Falls Church, VA 22041
  • Willston Community Center 6131 Willston Dr, Falls Church, VA 22044

Busses will pick up for the event at 5:45 pm and will leave Glasgow at 8:00 pm.

 *Snow Date: February 6th from 6:00pm – 8:00pm

VA SOL Summary 📈 Virginia’s Student Assessment Summary for Families

This month, families of students who took any Standards of Learning (SOL) test between school years 2015-16 and 2023-24 will receive a Student Assessment Summary Report. The report shows a student’s state percentile ranking for each test. This allows families to see how their child ranked compared to all Virginia students who took the same test that year. 

Reports are available now in SIS ParentVUE Documents. They will be distributed by schools this month to students whose families do not have ParentVUE access. Learn how to access ParentVUE

The report is intended to help families reflect on how their child performed across all tested subjects over the years. Our schools and staff are committed to working with families to support every student to succeed at their highest potential. Learn more about student assessments in FCPS.

📍 Virtual Community Boundary Review Meetings

If you have not been able to attend a Community Boundary Review meeting yet, it’s not too late! The following virtual meetings will have the same format and information available as the previous in-person meetings:


Click one of the dates above to register and receive your unique Zoom link. Please note that each virtual meeting will be capped at 400 participants to help provide a meaningful experience for all. Language interpretation will be available. Learn about FCPS’ Comprehensive Boundary Review. Sign up for the School Boundary Review newsletter for updates.

🏗️ FCPS’ Proposed Construction Projects Offer Community-Wide Benefits

Fairfax County Public Schools updated plans for new school construction, capacity enhancements, and renovations are outlined in the proposed FY 2026-30 Capital Improvement Program (CIP). Projects include constructing two new elementary schools; renovations at 18 elementary schools, two middle schools, and two high schools; and relocation of modular buildings.

The proposed CIP was presented to the School Board at the January 14 work session. A public hearing was also held January 14. The School Board will take action on the proposed CIP at its Thursday, February 6, meeting.

3333 Sleepy Hollow Road, Falls Church, VA 22044 | Main Office: 703.237.7000
Attendance: 703.237.7097 | Web | Twitter

Weekly Updates

Sleepy Hollow Noticias y anuncios en español/3 weeks ago

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January 20, 2025

Accede a las noticias que elijas en español

Dear Parents,

Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
This weekend, we celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a leader who inspired us to work together for a more just and compassionate world. May everyone feel peace and warmth during this time. As always, please reach out to me should you have any questions, concerns, suggestions. I have posted below the FCPS Trust Policy. Please take a moment to read it as it hold great importance during this time. 

❄️ Extreme Cold Weather Advisory
With temperatures expected to drop significantly this week ahead, we want to remind our families to take extra precautions to stay safe:

  • Dress in layers to retain body heat, including hats, gloves, and scarves.
  • Limit time outdoors and watch for signs of frostbite or hypothermia. We will be enjoying indoor recess for the next few days until temperatures rise. 
  • Check your home’s heating system to ensure it's functioning properly.
  • For families in need of any assistance, please contact our family liason, Indira  Mendez Flores, [email protected]

🚨 School Closures or Delays
In the event of weather-related closures or delays, updates will be shared via Talking Points.  Please ensure your contact information is up to date to receive these important notifications.


Thank you as always for your partnership. Stay safe and warm,

Principal Vega & Assistant Principal Bermudez

FCPS Calendar

FCPS Trust Policy

April 28, 2022, the School Board voted to adopt the Trust Policy affirming our commitment to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all students and their families. This policy aligns Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) policy with Fairfax County Government's Public Trust and Confidentiality Policy. This policy ensures that students and families can access the division’s benefits and services without fear of information being disclosed, directly or indirectly, to federal immigration officials. To review the FCPS Trust Policy, please click here

Important Dates

January 20 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day and Inauguration Day - School closed

January 21 - Virtual PTA Meeting with Dr. Ricardy Anderson 7:00 p.m.

January 23 - WIDA Assessments begin

January 23 - Principal Vega visit to Willston Center, 6:00 p.m. 

January 24 - Parent Coffee at SHES Library 9:00 a.m.

January 24 - SHES Read-A-Thon ends

January 28 - End of Quarter 2

January 29 - Holiday Lunar New Year & Teacher Work Day, School closed

February 10 - 3 Hour Early Release day for students 

SHES Read-A-Thon extended until Friday, January 24

The SHES Read-A-Thon has been extended two more weeks until Friday, January 24, 2025. Continue to track your student's reading minutes. We will send home new tracking sheets next week. 

Let's continue to support our Sleepy Hollow Dolphins as they strive to reach their reading goal this week!

Our goal this year is to raise $5,500 and we are currently at 39% of that amount - please help us get those minutes and donations in before Jan. 24!

Donations can be made as a flat amount directly to a specific class or based on the number of minutes read by a class. You can also make school-wide donations. Funds raised will go directly back to supporting our school community. All prizes are based on the number of minutes read and not by the amount of funds raised. Any reading before, during, and after school counts as does being read to and listening to audiobooks.

Donate online and share this link: https://bit.ly/read4shes

Click to edit this placeholder text.

  PTA Meeting: Tues. Jan 21st With Special Guest: Dr. Ricardy Anderson  

Join us for our January 21st PTA Meeting. We will be joined by our School Board Representative, Dr. Ricardy Anderson. She will give us important updates and answer our questions. Please email any topics you are interested in to [email protected]

**Tuesday, Jan 21st, 7 p.m. on Zoom**

Link will be sent out prior to the meeting. This is an awesome opportunity to speak directly to our own Representative about important issues that matter to SHES families - please join if you can!!

Glasgow Rising 6th Grade Night

Current 5th Grade Families:

You are invited to attend Glasgow’s Rising 6th Grade Middle School Transition Night on Thursday, January 30th from 6:00pm – 8:00pm. All students/children in attendance must be accompanied and supervised by an adult.

It is a wonderful opportunity:

  • Meet Ms. Lisa Barrow, new GMS Principal
  • Learn about various programming options such as Multilingual Learner, Special Education supports, Math options, AVID, etc.
  • Attend Student panel where current GMS students will be available to answer questions you or your child may have. 
  • Attend a Family Engagement Session that will be focused on how families can support their child’s success at Glasgow. 

Bus transportation is available for families who need it.  Buses will pick up and drop off at the following locations:

  • Baileys Elementary 6111 Knollwood Dr, Bailey's Crossroads, VA 22041
  • Skyline 5599 Seminary Rd, Falls Church, VA 22041
  • Willston Community Center 6131 Willston Dr, Falls Church, VA 22044

Busses will pick up for the event at 5:45 pm and will leave Glasgow at 8:00 pm.

 *Snow Date: February 6th from 6:00pm – 8:00pm

3333 Sleepy Hollow Road, Falls Church, VA 22044 | Main Office: 703.237.7000
Attendance: 703.237.7097 | Web | Twitter

Weekly Updates

Sleepy Hollow Noticias y anuncios en español/4 weeks 1 day ago

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January12, 2025

Accede a las noticias que elijas en español

Dear Parents,

On behalf of our entire staff we are EXCITED to have a normal week ahead.

To kick off the new year with excitement and purpose, we’ll be hosting a Pep Rally Assembly tomorrow to highlight the importance of setting goals for 2025. During the assembly, students will learn about the value of responsibility, respect, and teamwork as they work toward their personal and academic goals.

We encourage you to talk with your child about their goals for the year and how they plan to achieve them. Working together, we can ensure that 2025 is a year full of growth and achievement for everyone in our school community!

Thank you as always for your partnership.

Principal Vega & Assistant Principal Bermudez

FCPS Calendar

Important Dates

January 13 - 17 - Grades  1st - 5th  iReady Assessments begin

January 20 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day and Inauguration Day - School closed

January 21- WIDA Assessments begin

January 21 - Virtual PTA Meeting with Dr. Ricardy Anderson 7:00 p.m. 

January 24 - Parent Coffee at SHES Library 

January 23 - Principal Vega visit to Willston Center, 6p.m. 

January 24 - SHES Read-A-Thon ends

January 28 - End of Quarter 2

January 29 - Holiday Lunar New Year & Teacher Work Day, School closed

February 10 - 3-Hour Early Release day for students 

FCPS Math Week- January13-17 

MIND Research is hosting family math week January 13 - January 17. During that time, students are encouraged to log onto the FCPS Family Math website to engage in math activities with their families at home that include stories with mathematical concepts connected to a variety of different math games from around the world. All activities are available in English and Spanish. To learn more about Family Math Nights check out this video.

Glasgow Rising 6th Grade Night

Current 5th Grade Families:

You are invited to attend Glasgow’s Rising 6th Grade Middle School Transition Night on Thursday, January 30th from 6:00pm – 8:00pm. All students/children in attendance must be accompanied and supervised by an adult.

It is a wonderful opportunity:

  • Meet Ms. Lisa Barrow, new GMS Principal
  • Learn about various programming options such as Multilingual Learner, Special Education supports, Math options, AVID, etc.
  • Attend Student panel where current GMS students will be available to answer questions you or your child may have. 
  • Attend a Family Engagement Session that will be focused on how families can support their child’s success at Glasgow. 

Bus transportation is available for families who need it.  Buses will pick up and drop off at the following locations:

  • Baileys Elementary 6111 Knollwood Dr, Bailey's Crossroads, VA 22041
  • Skyline 5599 Seminary Rd, Falls Church, VA 22041
  • Willston Community Center 6131 Willston Dr, Falls Church, VA 22044

Busses will pick up for the event at 5:45 pm and will leave Glasgow at 8:00 pm.

 *Snow Date: February 6th from 6:00pm – 8:00pm

SHES Read-A-Thon extended until Friday, January 24

The SHES Read-A-Thon has been extended two more weeks until Friday, January 24, 2025. Continue to track your student's reading minutes. We will send home new tracking sheets next week. 

Let's continue to support our Sleepy Hollow Dolphins as they strive to reach their reading goal this week!

Our goal this year is to raise $5,500 and we are currently at 39% of that amount - please help us get those minutes and donations in before Jan. 24!

Donations can be made as a flat amount directly to a specific class or based on the number of minutes read by a class. You can also make school-wide donations. Funds raised will go directly back to supporting our school community. All prizes are based on the number of minutes read and not by the amount of funds raised. Any reading before, during, and after school counts as does being read to and listening to audiobooks.

Donate online and share this link: https://bit.ly/read4shes

Click to edit this placeholder text.

3333 Sleepy Hollow Road, Falls Church, VA 22044 | Main Office: 703.237.7000
Attendance: 703.237.7097 | Web | Twitter

Weekly Updates

Sleepy Hollow Noticias y anuncios en español/1 month 3 weeks ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.

December 20, 2024

Accede a las noticias que elijas en español

Dear Parents,

As we approach the winter break, we want to share some helpful tips to ensure a healthy and joyful time for your family:

  1. Maintain Routines: Consistent daily routines provide children with a sense of stability, even during breaks. Try to keep regular sleep and meal schedules.

  2. Stay Active: Encourage your children to engage in daily physical activities. This could be as simple as a family walk, playing outside, or an indoor exercise session.

  3. Healthy Eating: With festive treats all around, balancing them with nutritious meals and snacks will keep everyone feeling their best.

  4. Engage with Family: Winter break is a perfect time to bond. Encourage your children to interact with family members through conversations, games, and storytelling. These activities also help strengthen their oral language skills.

We hope you have a safe and enjoyable winter break. Thank you for your continued support!

Warm wishes,

Principal Vega & Assistant Principal Bermudez

FCPS Calendar

Important Dates

Decemer 23 -  January 3 - Winter Break, School is closed during this time

January 6 - First day of school in 2025!

January 6 - 10 - Body Safety Program grades K-5

January 20 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day and Inauguration Day - School closed

January 29 - Teacher Work Day, School closed

Family Resource Center Webinars and FCPS Family Academy
  • 🖥️ Free Webinars and Events for Families

In January, the Family Resource Center (FRC) will host webinars for families on:

Sign up for the FRC newsletter or visit their webinar webpage.

Upcoming Family Academy Events

You are an important part of your child's education! The FCPS Family Academy compiles classes, webinars, workshops, and programs offered by FCPS to help you support your child's needs and learning at home. Browse Family Academy offerings

❄️ Preparing for Winter Weather

Winter weather will be here before you know it! Watch this video to see how weather-related closing decisions are made.

FCPS’ website is generally the first place to find out about emergency weather closings. Other communication channels will be used as quickly as possible including email, text, social media, and news stations. Learn more about how schedule changes are communicated

Be sure to plan for the winter season. Update your contact information in SIS ParentVUE, bookmark the FCPS website, and arrange for childcare if needed.

Keep Your Child Warm During Outdoor Activities

We will monitor the weather for low temperatures, wind chill advisories and warnings, and weather advisories which may prevent children from being outside. Make sure your child is dressed appropriately with a warm coat and other cold-weather clothing, so they can comfortably enjoy their time outdoors. See the National Weather Service’s tips on staying safe during cold weather.

If you need assistance supplying your child with cold-weather clothing, please call our Main Office and ask to speak with either our Family Liason, Indira Mendez Flores or our social worker, Emily Jackson at (703) 237 - 7000.

3333 Sleepy Hollow Road, Falls Church, VA 22044 | Main Office: 703.237.7000
Attendance: 703.237.7097 | Web | Twitter

Weekly Updates

Sleepy Hollow Noticias y anuncios en español/1 month 3 weeks ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.

December 16, 2024

Accede a las noticias que elijas en español

Dear Families,

As we approach the final week before winter break, I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for our incredible family community. Your unwavering support, kindness, and partnership truly make Sleepy Hollow Elementary a special place for our students and staff.

This is a time to relax, recharge, and create cherished memories with loved ones. We are so fortunate to have such a strong and caring community, and it’s because of you that we continue to thrive together.

Please stay safe and take good care over the break. We look forward to welcoming everyone back in the new year, refreshed and ready for another wonderful chapter in learning and growth.

Wishing you all a joyous holiday season and a very Happy New Year!


Principal Vega & Assistant Principal Bermudez

FCPS Calendar

Important Dates

Decemer 23 -  January 3 - Winter Break, School is closed during this time

January 6 - First day of school in 2025!

January 6 - 10 - Body Safety Program grades K-5

January 20 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day and Inauguration Day - School closed

January 29 - Teacher Work Day, School closed

  SHES 2024 Read-A-Thon! December 9 - January 9, 2025

The PTA is proud to announce our second annual Sleepy Hollow Read-a-thon! This fundraiser supports our school and encourages students' reading development goals. Our goal this year is to raise $5,500 and every student has a goal to read at least 300 minutes for the Read-a-Thon period. Our school-wide goal is to reach 200,000 minutes by January 9. If students reach this goal they will get to tape the principals to the wall and get an extra recess! Detailed information will be sent home in Wednesday Folders and the website can be found here: https://bit.ly/read4shes 

Winter Special Education and 504 Newsletter

The latest issue of the FCPS Special Education and 504 Newsletter is available online. Topics in this issue include:

  • Community Resources for Families of Students with Disabilities
  • Save the Date: 2025 Family Summit
  • SEL Screener Results
  • New Accessibility Resources
  • Adapted Physical Education and Recreation Program
  • Why Some Students with Disabilities Stay in FCPS Until Age 22
  • VR Programs Supports Out-of-State Post Secondary Schools
  • Executive Functioning Webinars
  • Early Literacy Resources
  • ESY and Assessment Webinar
  • COVID-19 Compensatory Education: FCPS Service Delivery Options
❄️ Preparing for Winter Weather

Winter weather will be here before you know it! Watch this video to see how weather-related closing decisions are made.

FCPS’ website is generally the first place to find out about emergency weather closings. Other communication channels will be used as quickly as possible including email, text, social media, and news stations. Learn more about how schedule changes are communicated

Be sure to plan for the winter season. Update your contact information in SIS ParentVUE, bookmark the FCPS website, and arrange for childcare if needed.

Keep Your Child Warm During Outdoor Activities

We will monitor the weather for low temperatures, wind chill advisories and warnings, and weather advisories which may prevent children from being outside. Make sure your child is dressed appropriately with a warm coat and other cold-weather clothing, so they can comfortably enjoy their time outdoors. See the National Weather Service’s tips on staying safe during cold weather.

If you need assistance supplying your child with cold-weather clothing, please call our Main Office and ask to speak with either our Family Liason, Indira Mendez Flores or our social worker, Emily Jackson at (703) 237 - 7000.

3333 Sleepy Hollow Road, Falls Church, VA 22044 | Main Office: 703.237.7000
Attendance: 703.237.7097 | Web | Twitter

Weekly Updates

Sleepy Hollow Noticias y anuncios en español/2 months ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.

December 9th, 2014

Accede a las noticias que elijas en español

Dear Families,

As we head into the final stretch before winter break, we encourage everyone to keep up the great momentum! Thank you for your unwavering support in helping our students thrive each day.

Here are a few reminders as we navigate these colder days:

Cold Weather and Recess
  • We stay indoors for recess when temperatures drop below 32°F to ensure student safety and comfort.
  • Please label your child’s jackets, coats, and sweatshirts with their name. This helps us return misplaced items quickly.
Walking Safely to Bus Stops
  • Remind students to walk carefully to bus stops and school, especially in the early morning. Frost and ice can make sidewalks slippery.

Thank you for your continued partnership in supporting our students during this exciting time of year. Let’s finish strong before we all enjoy a well-deserved winter break!

Warm & Toasty regards, 

Principal Vega & Assistant Principal Bermudez

FCPS Calendar

  SHES 2024 Read-A-Thon! December 9 - January 9, 2025

The PTA is proud to announce our second annual Sleepy Hollow Read-a-thon! This fundraiser supports our school and encourages students' reading development goals. Our goal this year is to raise $5,500 and every student has a goal to read at least 300 minutes for the Read-a-Thon period. Our school-wide goal is to reach 200,000 minutes by January 9. If students reach this goal they will get to tape the principals to the wall and get an extra recess! Detailed information will be sent home in Wednesday Folders and the website can be found here: https://bit.ly/read4shes 

Friday, December 13 SHES Holiday Shop WE NEED DONATIONS! 

We are collecting new and gently used items (toys, books, jewelry, holiday decor, crafts, hats and gloves, ties and wallets, small home accessories, tools, etc.) until Monday, December 9.

How to donate:

1) Drop off - At these locations: Susan Bower - 6356 Crosswoods Drive Cindy Heilman – 6347 Carolyn Drive Joel Paque - 3304 Clearwood Court

2) Pick up – To schedule a pick up, please email Cindy Heilman at [email protected] or text at 301-728-8021

We are also looking for volunteers to help with set up on Thursday, December 12 and on Friday, December 13 to help our SHES shoppers. Sign up here: https://bit.ly/sheshop24 

Advanced Academics Referral Deadline ~ Dec 15

The deadline for all students in grades 2-6 to apply for full-time (formerly referred to as level IV) advanced academic services to begin at the start of the 25-26 school year is Sunday, December 15. This is a county provided date, there are no exceptions or extensions. Please plan ahead!

To initiate the screening process, please submit the AAP Full-Time Referral Form through email to  at Principal Vega at [email protected]  or submit a hard copy to the front office by 30:3pm on Friday, December 13th.  Should you have any questions about the referral process or questions about Local Level IV services, please contact Principal Vega or Lyn Malvin, AAP Education Specialist at  [email protected]

Slides from October Parent Presentation on the AAP Referral Process

SHES Parent Presentation AAP Referral

🍲 Food Assistance and Resource Guide

Food insecurity impacts more than 96,000 Fairfax County residents. There are many resources available to support those who need food assistance. Learn how to help these families and the many resources available to support those who need food assistance on Fairfax County’s website or view the county’s Human Services Resource Guide.


📚 Bundle Up With Books Over Break

Fairfax County Public Library’s (FCPL) winter reading adventure has begun and will continue through Friday, January 31, 2025. Visit your local FCPL library branch or visit their website to register and get a sneak peek at the prizes being offered.

Check out

⛄ Get Outdoors for Winter Fun!

The Fairfax County Park Authority has rounded up its seasonal fun into a handy list of events happening across the county

Learn more about the Winter Wonderland and the Holiday Train at Burke Lake Park, Holiday on the Farm at Frying Pan Farm Park, and many more fun events.

their Winter Reading Events webpage to learn about laser tag, movie nights, crafting sessions, Noon-Year Eve celebrations, and book discussions.


As we transition into the fall and winter seasons, it's important to remind our students, staff, and families about the importance of practicing good hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette. These simple practices can significantly reduce the spread of germs, particularly during the upcoming holiday season when gatherings and travel increase.

Key Reminders:

  • Wash Hands Frequently: Encourage students to wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially before eating, after using the restroom, and after blowing their nose, coughing, or sneezing.  
  • Use Hand Sanitizer: When soap and water are not readily available, provide access to alcohol-based hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol content.
  • Cover Coughs and Sneezes: Remind students to cover their mouth and nose with a tissue or their elbow when coughing or sneezing. Dispose of tissues properly in a wastebasket and wash their hands.
  • Avoid Touching Face: Discourage students from touching their eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. 
❄️ Preparing for Winter Weather

Winter weather will be here before you know it! Watch this video to see how weather-related closing decisions are made.

FCPS’ website is generally the first place to find out about emergency weather closings. Other communication channels will be used as quickly as possible including email, text, social media, and news stations. Learn more about how schedule changes are communicated

Be sure to plan for the winter season. Update your contact information in SIS ParentVUE, bookmark the FCPS website, and arrange for childcare if needed.

Keep Your Child Warm During Outdoor Activities

We will monitor the weather for low temperatures, wind chill advisories and warnings, and weather advisories which may prevent children from being outside. Make sure your child is dressed appropriately with a warm coat and other cold-weather clothing, so they can comfortably enjoy their time outdoors. See the National Weather Service’s tips on staying safe during cold weather.

If you need assistance supplying your child with cold-weather clothing, please call our Main Office and ask to speak with either our Family Liason, Indira Mendez Flores or our social worker, Emily Jackson at (703) 237 - 7000.

Middle School Start Time Study

⏰ Update on Potential Changes to Middle School Start Times

At Tuesday’s School Board work session, staff from Prismatic Services, Inc., presented options for adjusting start times at FCPS middle schools. As a reminder, Prismatic is charged with developing an action plan to help the School Board reach its goal of starting middle school at or after 8 a.m.

The presentation includes five options for adjusting middle school start times based on the consultant’s analysis from community forums, surveys, and interviews with staff, parents, associations, and other groups. The School Board will provide next steps to the superintendent.

Watch a video of the work session. Visit the Middle School Start Times webpage for more information on the project.

3333 Sleepy Hollow Road, Falls Church, VA 22044 | Main Office: 703.237.7000
Attendance: 703.237.7097 | Web | Twitter

Weekly Updates

Sleepy Hollow Noticias y anuncios en español/2 months 1 week ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.

December 1st, 2024

Accede a las noticias que elijas en español

Dear Families, 

In a blink of an eye, it is December! We hope everyone enjoyed a safe and delicious Thanksgiving break with family and friends. A special shout out to our amazing and supportive PTA who donated pies for our staff raffle on Tuesday November 26th. They were appreciated and enjoyed!

We have three full weeks of school and daily attendance is important. Every day in school counts. Not only do we take great joy in seeing our students each day, we know that daily attendance leads to success at school and just missing a few days, they add up and can setback your student academically.  Our chronic absenteeism rate is 12.6% and our goal is to achieve below 10% this school year. 

Lastly, note the upcoming calendar of events below. The last month of the calendar year is always a busy one at Sleepy Hollow. Please keep your eye on our upcoming events through this newsletter and from your classroom teacher for ways to be involved during this exciting time. 

We look forward to seeing everyon at school tomorrow!

From our hearts, 

Principal Vega & Assistant Principal Bermudez

FCPS Calendar

Save the Dates!
  • December 3rd - Picture Make Up Day
  • December 4th  6:00 p.m. Body Safety Preview for families virtually, link will be shared before the program.
  • December 9th - January 9th - SHES READ-A-THON 
  • December 11th - Winter Concert 6:30 p.m. 
  • December 13th - PTA Sponsored Holiday Shop
  • December 16th - Friday December 20th  Spirit Week, more information to come!
  • December 18 - Quarter 2 Interims sent home 
  • December 23 - January 3 Winter Break, No School 
  • January 6, 2025 - First day of 2025 School Year   Welcome Back !
Body Safety Program

The week of January 6th, Fairfax County Department of Family Services (DFS) will facilitate a program called the Speak Up Be Safe Curriculum to all grade levels.  We will be holding a virtual information session with DFS on Wednesday December 4th at 6pm for parents to learn more about the curriculum. This is a research-based prevention curriculum for Pre-K through 6th grade designed to teach children that they deserve to be safe, identify and talk to safe adults, and provides five key safety rules children can follow to help adults keep them safe.  The link to join the session will be sent before Wednesday December 4th. We will also be sending out information to parents following the winter break. 

❄️ Preparing for Winter Weather

Winter weather will be here before you know it! Watch this video to see how weather-related closing decisions are made.

FCPS’ website is generally the first place to find out about emergency weather closings. Other communication channels will be used as quickly as possible including email, text, social media, and news stations. Learn more about how schedule changes are communicated

Be sure to plan for the winter season. Update your contact information in SIS ParentVUE, bookmark the FCPS website, and arrange for childcare if needed.

Keep Your Child Warm During Outdoor Activities

We will monitor the weather for low temperatures, wind chill advisories and warnings, and weather advisories which may prevent children from being outside. Make sure your child is dressed appropriately with a warm coat and other cold-weather clothing, so they can comfortably enjoy their time outdoors. See the National Weather Service’s tips on staying safe during cold weather.

If you need assistance supplying your child with cold-weather clothing, please call our Main Office and ask to speak with either our Family Liason, Indira Mendez Flores or our social worker, Emily Jackson at (703) 237 - 7000.

3333 Sleepy Hollow Road, Falls Church, VA 22044 | Main Office: 703.237.7000
Attendance: 703.237.7097 | Web | Twitter

Weekly Updates

Sleepy Hollow Noticias y anuncios en español/2 months 2 weeks ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.

November 25, 2024

Accede a las noticias que elijas en español

Dear Families, 

As we gather for this season of gratitude, we want to express our heartfelt appreciation for the incredible support and generosity of our school community. The abundance of blessings we enjoy would not be possible without the dedication and partnership of our families and business partners.

Your contributions and involvement play a vital role in shaping a positive and nurturing environment for our students. Thank you for being an integral part of our community and for making a difference every day.

Wishing you and your loved ones a joyful and blessed Thanksgiving!

With appreciation,

Principal Vega and Assistant Principal Bermudez

FCPS Calendar


Let's show our SHES teachers how thankful we are for all of their dedication!! Sign up to donate a pie here: https://bit.ly/pies4shes

Save the Dates!
  • Wednesday November 27-29 Thanksgiving Break, No School, School reopens on Monday December 2nd. 
  • Tuesday December 3rd - Picture Make Up Day
  • December 9th - January 9th - SHES READ-A-THON 
  • Wednesday December 11th - Winter Concert 6:30 p.m. 
  • Friday December 13th - PTA Sponsored Holiday House
  • Spirit Week Monday December 16th - Friday December 20th -more information to come!
  • Wednesday December 18 - Quarter 2 Interims sent home 
  • December 23 - January 3 Winter Break, No School 
  • January 6, 2025 - First day of 2025 School Year   Welcome Back !
Body Safety Program

The week of January 6th, Fairfax County Department of Family Services (DFS) will facilitate a program called the Speak Up Be Safe Curriculum to all grade levels.  We will be holding a virtual information session with DFS on Wednesday December 4th at 6pm for parents to learn more about the curriculum. This is a research-based prevention curriculum for Pre-K through 6th grade designed to teach children that they deserve to be safe, identify and talk to safe adults, and provides five key safety rules children can follow to help adults keep them safe.  The link to join the session will be sent before Wednesday December 4th. We will also be sending out information to parents following the winter break. 

Parent Classes in Spanish Interest Survey

Sleepy Hollow ES would like to assess Spanish-speaking parent interest in participating in Loving Solutions, which is a parenting class designed specifically for parents raising difficult/strong-willed younger children or children with difficult to manage behaviors ages 5-10 years old.  The class is to help parents learn strategies to create change in the home and develop skills to know how to better address the needs of their children.  The class is 10 weeks long, for 2 hours a week.  Snacks and childcare will be provided. 

Please click here to fill out the survey.

***THIS CLASS WILL BE HELD IN SPANISH***  If parents are interested in an English-language Loving Solutions class, please contact Emily Jackson [email protected], or Indira Mendez [email protected]

❄️ Preparing for Winter Weather

Winter weather will be here before you know it! Watch this video to see how weather-related closing decisions are made.

FCPS’ website is generally the first place to find out about emergency weather closings. Other communication channels will be used as quickly as possible including email, text, social media, and news stations. Learn more about how schedule changes are communicated

Be sure to plan for the winter season. Update your contact information in SIS ParentVUE, bookmark the FCPS website, and arrange for childcare if needed.

Keep Your Child Warm During Outdoor Activities

We will monitor the weather for low temperatures, wind chill advisories and warnings, and weather advisories which may prevent children from being outside. Make sure your child is dressed appropriately with a warm coat and other cold-weather clothing, so they can comfortably enjoy their time outdoors. See the National Weather Service’s tips on staying safe during cold weather.

If you need assistance supplying your child with cold-weather clothing, please call our Main Office and ask to speak with either our Family Liason, Indira Mendez Flores or our social worker, Emily Jackson at (703) 237 - 7000.

From the desk of Librarian Barbara Oswalt,

Do you have any gently used books no longer being used?  We are collecting donations of books for our next book giveaway.  We welcome any books in good condition that are age-appropriate for our students, and we especially appreciate books written in Spanish.  Please direct any donations to our librarian, Barbara Oswalt.  She can be reached at [email protected] for any questions.  Thank you so much for considering – happy reading!

SEL Screener Results

Social and Emotional Learning Screener Results Coming Soon

One of the ways FCPS supports the mental wellness of all students is through the Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener. In October, students in grades 3-12 took this screener, which gives information about their skills such as achieving goals, handling emotions, building relationships with adults and peers, and making good choices. 

The screener also helps students evaluate their school community’s efforts to make them feel valued, included, and supported. Screener data is used to create learning, experiences, and environments for students to succeed.

In early December, families will be able to view student SEL Screener results in SIS ParentVUE. For families who do not have an active ParentVUE account, results will be sent by mail.

Learn more about the screener on the Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Screener webpage. For help understanding your child’s results or ideas to support them at home, review the Family Guide or contact your child’s school. 

Register for ParentVUE

Learn how to activate your ParentVUE account, so you can easily access your child’s results and other helpful information.

3333 Sleepy Hollow Road, Falls Church, VA 22044 | Main Office: 703.237.7000
Attendance: 703.237.7097 | Web | Twitter

Weekly Updates

Sleepy Hollow Noticias y anuncios en español/2 months 3 weeks ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.

November 16, 2024

Accede a las noticias que elijas en español

Dear Families, 

As a reminder, Monday November 18, is a 3 hour early release for students. Buses will arrive at 12:30 for dismissal. As a reminder, kindergarten students must be met by an adult at bus stops to avoid students returned back to school. 

Our 5th grade students are excitedly running for various positions on the student council association. The election takes place on Monday and we are looking forward to the council proposing fun and generous school community activities.

Lastly, I will be sharing disciplinary referral data with families monthly. We ask that you discuss this information with your child at home in partnership in supporting our expectation for a kind, respectful and safe school community. In October, the most common infractions dealt with students not showing respect towards adults or students and physical aggression towards peers. Often times, we see students "horseplaying" but inevidedably it quickly escalates to a unpleasant situation. Please remind your child regularly our school expectations; respect ourselves, respect our property and respect others. 

With appreciation,

Principal Vega and Assistant Principal Bermudez

FCPS Calendar

Save the Dates!
  • Monday November 18th - 3-Hour Early Release,Dismissal 12:30 p.m.
  • Thursday November 21st - Thanksgiving Luncheon   check lunch schedule for your child below.
  • Wednesday November 27-29 Thanksgiving Break, No School, School reopens on Monday December 2nd. 
  • Tuesday December 3rd - Picture Make Up Day
  • Wednesday December 11th - Winter Concert 6:30 p.m. 
  • Friday December 13th - PTA Sponsored Holiday House
  • Wednesday December 16 - Quarter 2 Interims sent home
  • December 23 - January 3 Winter Break, No School 
  • January 6, 2025 - First day of 2025 School Year   Welcome Back !
Boundary Review Community Meeting

Community meetings regarding FCPS’ comprehensive boundary review will take place in each of the division's six regions. You are encouraged to attend the meeting in our region, which will take place on

Please register in advance by clicking on the date. Language interpretation will be available. 

If you are unable to attend on this date, view the full list of meetings on the Comprehensive School Boundary Review webpage.

2024 Thanksgiving Luncheon 

We are thrilled to invite families to our annual Thanksgiving Luncheon! Join us for a special meal with your child(ren) and enjoy the spirit of the season together. To make this event a success, we ask that you inform our main office that you will be attending so the cafeteria can plan the food accordingly. Our main office is (703) 237 - 7000. CASH ONLY! Thank you! 

Date: Thursday November 21, 2024 

Lunch Fee: $ 5.00 lunch for adult 

Kindergarten 11:50 - 12:20 

First Grade    12:40 - 1:10 

Second Grade 11:05 - 11:35 

Third Grade     12:10 - 12:40 

Fourth Grade   11:30 - 12:00 

Fifth Grade       10:55 - 11:25 

3333 Sleepy Hollow Road, Falls Church, VA 22044 | Main Office: 703.237.7000
Attendance: 703.237.7097 | Web | Twitter

Weekly Updates

Sleepy Hollow Noticias y anuncios en español/2 months 4 weeks ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.

November 12, 2024

Accede a las noticias que elijas en español

Dear Families, 

What an incredible Sleepy Hollow weekend I had! Saturday morning I chaperoned the 5th grade Science Olympiad team to their competition at Thomas Jeffererson High School of Science and Technology. We started the morning fueling up with coffee and donuts and headed to the school for an all day competition in various science topics. Students worked as partners completing tasks and building projectz on site. We met students from across the county and I was incredibly proud of our dolphinss showing teamwork, enthusiasm, flexibility and school pride. Thank you students and many thanks to Ms. Revere, 5th grade teacher !

Later on Saturday evening, I attended the 17th Annual FCPS Artist Teacher Exhibit at WorkHouse Arts in Lorton. Our very own, Mr. Tribastone showcased a piece at the show that was captivating and stunning. Congratulations Mr. Tribastone, we are very fortunate to have you as our Art Teacher. 

I hope everyone enjoyed the continuation of this pleasantly warm November weather. I speak on behalf of our school community, many thanks and great appreciation to all our soldiers who have sacrificed and dedicated their lives to our country this Veteran's Day. 


Principal Vega and Assistant Principal Bermudez

FCPS Calendar

Save the Date!
  • Friday November 15th - Principal's Coffee at SHES Library 9:00 a.m.
  • Monday November 18th - 3-Hour Early Release,Dismissal 12:30 p.m.
  • Thursday November 21st - Thanksgiving Luncheon - check lunch schedule for your child below.
  •  Wednesday November 27-29 Thanksgiving Break, No School, School reopens on Monday December 2nd. 
  • Tuesday December 3rd - Picture Make Up Day
  • Wednesday December 11th - Winter Concert 6:30 p.m. 
  • Friday December 13th - PTA Sponsored Holiday House
  • Wednesday December 16 - Quarter 2 Interims sent home
  • December 23 - January 3 Winter Break, No School 
  • January 6, 2025 - First day of 2025 School Year   Welcome Back !
Return Your Federal Impact Aid Survey

FCPS is asking all families to fill out a Federal Impact Aid Survey. The form is available in SIS ParentVUE under Online Packets (in the upper right corner after logging in). Please complete it as soon as possible.

For any families who have not completed the survey in ParentVUE, schools will provide paper forms starting Wednesday, November 13. Paper forms should be returned by Wednesday, December 4.

Completing this form for each school-aged child in every household is important. Information from this survey resulted in more than $4 million in funding last year from the U.S. Department of Education. These funds are used to support all Fairfax County public schools and centers.

For more information, please watch this video on Impact Aid and visit the Federal Impact Aid Survey page.

Need to Register for ParentVUE? 

Learn how to activate your SIS ParentVUE account, so you can easily submit your survey. 

Technical support for using ParentVUE or completing the survey online is available by submitting a Parent Support Request ticket. Select SISParent in the Application dropdown menu and type Federal Impact Aid Survey under Issue Description. Or, call the Parent Technology Help Desk at 833-921-3277 (833-921-FCPS).

2024 Thanksgiving Luncheon 

We are thrilled to invite families to our annual Thanksgiving Luncheon! Join us for a special meal with your child(ren) and enjoy the spirit of the season together. To make this event a success, we ask that you inform our main office that you will be attending so the cafeteria can plan the food accordingly. Our main office is (703) 237 - 7000. Thank you! 

Date: Thursday November 21, 2024 

Lunch Fee: $ 5.00 lunch for adult 

Kindergarten 11:50 - 12:20 

First Grade    12:40 - 1:10 

Second Grade 11:05 - 11:35 

Third Grade     12:10 - 12:40 

Fourth Grade   11:30 - 12:00 

Fifth Grade       10:55 - 11:25 

📍 Boundary Review Community Meetings Start This Month

As a reminder, FCPS has started the process of reviewing school boundaries across the division. This important work will help the district better support student population growth, changes in school capacity, and evolving community needs. Community input is vital to this process. With that in mind, FCPS, in partnership with Thru Consulting, will be hosting a series of community meetings in each of FCPS’ six regions. Participants are encouraged to share their thoughts, ask questions, and learn more about the boundary review process.

Please visit FCPS’ website for meeting dates, locations, and other information. Sign up for the School Boundary Review newsletter for updates.

IEP Palooza and Community Resource Fair

Parents/caregivers, school staff, and students over the age of 14 are invited to attend an interactive event celebrating the individualized education program (IEP) process. The IEP Palooza and Community Resource Fair will take place on Saturday, November 16, 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m., at Jackson Middle School. 

The event is sponsored by Fairfax County Special Education Parent Teacher Association (SEPTA). Activities include simulated IEP meetings, break-out sessions on the various parts of an IEP, and a resource fair to learn more about community supports. Register in advance.

Sensory Disabilities

The VDOE requires that we provide information about resources and services to parents of students with sensory disabilities. The Department of Special Services has reviewed and updated the Services for Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing and Services for Students Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired webpages. Please share the following in your school newsletters. 

Services for Hearing-Impaired and Visually-Impaired Students

Students with sensory disabilities require specialized services and support to access instruction that is typically presented visually and auditorily (by means of hearing). FCPS provides educational services to students who are deaf, hearing-impaired, or visually impaired. They are supported in various settings, including at their school or through itinerant specialists who travel to different schools to work with students, rather than being based in a single school. Learn more about Services for Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing and Services for Students Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired.

Visit the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) website for Resources for Serving Students with Sensory Disabilities.

3333 Sleepy Hollow Road, Falls Church, VA 22044 | Main Office: 703.237.7000
Attendance: 703.237.7097 | Web | Twitter

Weekly Updates

Sleepy Hollow Noticias y anuncios en español/3 months ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.

A New Quarter ! November 6, 2024

Accede a las noticias que elijas en español

Dear Families, 

Welcome to November and 2nd Quarter of school at Sleepy Hollow Elementary School. We hope everyone had a joyful and reenergizing break from school these last few days. We are excited for what is to come this thoughtful and kind month of November. This is the season where we give gratitude for our blessings and are reminded of the importance of family and community. I am excited to celebrate the beautiful autumn weather, our Thanksgiving luncheon later this month at school and hopefully, our first snowfall!

"True thankfulness is reflected in how we treat others, not just in words spoken around the table." Join me in reminding our students the importance of kind words, patience and a smile every single day. 

I wish you all a fabulous first week of November. 

Truly appreciative,

Principal Vega and Assistant Principal Bermudez

FCPS Calendar

Save the Date!
  • Monday November 11th - Veteran's Day, No School 
  • Friday November 15th - Principal's Coffee at SHES Library 9:00 a.m.
  • Monday November 18th - 3-Hour Early Release 
  • Thursday November 21st - Thanksgiving Luncheon 
  •  Wednesday November 27-29 Thanksgiving Break, No School, School reopens on Monday December 2nd. 
  • Tuesday December 3rd - Picture Make Up Day
  • Wedne
  • sday December 11th - Winter Concert 6:30 p.m. 
  • Friday December 13th - PTA Sponsored Holiday House
  • Wednesday December 16 - Quarter 2 Interims sent home
  • December 23 - January 3 Winter Break, No School 
  • January 6, 2025 - First day of 2025 School Year   Welcome Back !
Return Your Federal Impact Aid Survey

FCPS is asking all families to fill out a Federal Impact Aid Survey. The form is available in SIS ParentVUE under Online Packets (in the upper right corner after logging in). Please complete it as soon as possible.

For any families who have not completed the survey in ParentVUE, schools will provide paper forms starting Wednesday, November 13. Paper forms should be returned by Wednesday, December 4.

Completing this form for each school-aged child in every household is important. Information from this survey resulted in more than $4 million in funding last year from the U.S. Department of Education. These funds are used to support all Fairfax County public schools and centers.

For more information, please watch this video on Impact Aid and visit the Federal Impact Aid Survey page.

Need to Register for ParentVUE? 

Learn how to activate your SIS ParentVUE account, so you can easily submit your survey. 

Technical support for using ParentVUE or completing the survey online is available by submitting a Parent Support Request ticket. Select SISParent in the Application dropdown menu and type Federal Impact Aid Survey under Issue Description. Or, call the Parent Technology Help Desk at 833-921-3277 (833-921-FCPS).

2024 Thanksgiving Luncheon 

We are thrilled to invite families to our annual Thanksgiving Luncheon! Join us for a special meal with your child(ren) and enjoy the spirit of the season together. To make this event a success, we ask that you inform our main office that you will be attending so the cafeteria can plan the food accordingly. Our main office is (703) 237 - 7000. Thank you! 

Date: Thursday November 21, 2024 

Lunch Fee: $ 5.00 lunch for adult 

Kindergarten 11:50 - 12:20 

First Grade    12:40 - 1:10 

Second Grade 11:05 - 11:35 

Third Grade     12:10 - 12:40 

Fourth Grade   11:30 - 12:00 

Fifth Grade       10:55 - 11:25 

Elementary School Language Arts Grading Updates

Our teachers have been hard at work teaching with the new Language Arts curriculum, and we are excited to help all of our students become strong readers and writers! This year we also have new assessments, which is how we check if your student needs extra help with reading and writing, and new Standards of Learning (SOLs).

Because of these changes, we are now teaching all of the Language Arts skills your child needs to know (and checking if they need extra help) throughout the whole school year, instead of different skills each quarter. While these skills will be new to your child in the beginning of the year, the goal is for your child to grow strong in all of their new skills by the end of the year.

This means that when you get your child’s progress report next month, it might look different. Your child’s teacher will give you more information on the new progress reporting and how we’re making sure your child is getting any extra help they might need. You can also find more information on FCPS’ Grading and Reporting webpage.

We will also have new ways for you to help your child practice their reading and writing skills at home. These resources are coming soon!

3333 Sleepy Hollow Road, Falls Church, VA 22044 | Main Office: 703.237.7000
Attendance: 703.237.7097 | Web | Twitter

Weekly Updates

Sleepy Hollow Noticias y anuncios en español/3 months 1 week ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.

October 28th, 2024

Accede a las noticias que elijas en español

Dear Families, 

It is hard to believe that next week is the final week of the first quarter.  Time sure does fly when you're having fun!   

Please be sure to join us on Wednesday, October 30th  for our Trunk or Treat event starting at 6:00pm (see more information at the bottom of this newsletter).  We can't wait to see everyone's costumes and smiling faces!  

Please remember that Thursday, October 31st is a 2-hour Early Release for ALL students. Students will be dismissed at 1:30 p.m. We also want to remind you that school is closed Friday, November 1st for the Diwali holiday.  Also, November 4th and 5th are student holidays. Teachers will be holding conferences with parents on the 4th.  They are looking forward to sharing lots of information about your child’s progress with you.  If you have not signed up for a conference, please contact your child’s teacher to set one up. We look forward to beginning the 2nd quarter with students on Wednesday, November 6th!

As we prepare for more learning across the remainder of the school year, please be sure your morning routines help students arrive to school on time! School doors open at 8:30 am. When students arrive at school on time and are in their seats ready to learn they are set up for a successful day.

As always, thank you for your continued support!  We look forward to seeing you later this week at Trunk or Treat!

In partnership,

Principal Vega and Assistant Principal Bermudez

FCPS Calendar

Save the Date!
  • October 21 - 3Hr Early Release Day, 12:30 dismissal
  • October 22 - Picture Day
  • October 29 - SHES PTA Meeting
  • October 30 - PTA Family Trunk or Treat Family Event
  • October 31 - Last day of Quarter 1, 2 hour early release, 1:30 dismissal, This is Book Character Day
  • November 1 - Diwali Holiday,School Closed
  • November 4 - Parent Teacher Conferences, No School for students
  • November 5 - Parent Teacher Conferences Virtual, No School for students
Halloween Guidelines 

As the ghoolish holiday is coming shortly, I would like to remind families of the SHES guidelines for Halloween. 

  • We encourage students to dress as "Book Character Day" on October 31st.
  • Weapons, face masks, fake swords or fake blook including anything of violent nature is prohibited. 
  • We will celebrate on the evening of October 30th, join us for Trunk or Treat in the evening at 6:00 p.m. Bus transportation will be provided. 
  • Candies, cupcakes or any other food treats will not be allowed at school. Rather, make a donation of candy for the PTA Trunk or Treat event on October 30th ! 
PTA Family Trunk or Treat Event

Come join us on October 30th from 6-7:30 in the SHES parking lot for our

annual Trunk-or-Treat! Students can dress up and come collect some goodies. No masks or weapons please! 

Sign up to decorate your car or volunteer to help with the games and candy distribution: https://bit.ly/SHESTrunks24 

Can't volunteer your time or car for the event? Consider donating CANDY! Click on our wish list below to donate:

Amazon Wishlist

October 30th Trunk or Treat Bus Stops 
  • 6134 Willton Dr. (outside Community Center)
  • Patrick HenryDr. and Willston Dr. 
  • 3056 Patrick Henry Dr. 
  • 3333 Sleepy Hollow Road
2024-2025 Outstanding Employee Awards

Dear Sleepy Hollow Families

 Nominations are now open for the 2024-2025 Outstanding Employee Awards! To submit a nomination for an outstanding Sleepy Hollow employee, please complete the nomination through this Google form, you will have until Thursday, October 31st.

Teachers and families are strongly encouraged to nominate one or more employees (one employee per category) to highlight the outstanding work that happens every day here at Pine Spring. All that is required for a nomination is a paragraph or two about how the employee demonstrates exceptionalism in two or more criteria for their category, which are listed below.

Outstanding Teacher

  • Instills in students a desire to learn and achieve
  • Understands the individual needs of students, encourages their talents, and fosters their self-esteem
  • Demonstrates a thorough knowledge of subject matter and the ability to share it effectively with students
  • Fosters cooperative relationships and engages with their colleagues and the community
  • Demonstrates outstanding leadership
  • Fosters an environment where diversity in all of its forms is valued and appreciated and demonstrates keeping equity at the center of their work.
  • Contributes to one or more of the following Ignite Goals, in the FCPS Strategic Plan (Student Success, Caring Culture, Premier Workforce, Resource Stewardship)

Outstanding New Teacher

  • Exhibits superior instructional skills
  • Interacts exceptionally well with students
  • Demonstrates excellent ability to communicate and engage with faculty, staff, parents, and the community
  • Fosters an environment where diversity in all of its forms is valued and appreciated and demonstrates keeping equity at the center of their work
  • Contributes to one or more of the following Ignite Goals, in the FCPS Strategic Plan (Student Success, Caring Culture, Premier Workforce, Resource Stewardship)

Outstanding Principal

  • Manage effectively
  • Demonstrate and encourage creativity and innovation
  • Foster cooperation between the school and the community
  • Maintain a continuing dialogue with students and parents as well as faculty and staff
  • Keep abreast of developments in the field of education
  • Encourage team spirit
  • Demonstrate leadership and exemplify commitment
  • Continue to play an active role in the classroom
  • Foster an environment where diversity in all of its forms is valued and appreciated and demonstrates keeping equity at the center of their work
  • Contribute to one or more of the following Ignite Goals, in the FCPS Strategic Plan (Student Success, Caring Culture, Premier Workforce, Resource Stewardship)

 Outstanding Leader 

  • Provides a unique and exceptional contribution to FCPS through their work
  • Demonstrates commitment and leadership in their field
  • Fosters cooperative relationships with colleagues and/or the community
  • Fosters an environment where diversity in all of its forms is valued and appreciated and demonstrates keeping equity at the center of their work
  • Contributes to one or more of the following Ignite Goals, in the FCPS Strategic Plan (Student Success, Caring Culture, Premier Workforce, Resource Stewardship)

Outstanding Professional Employee 

  • Provides a unique and exceptional contribution to FCPS through their work
  • Demonstrates commitment and leadership in their field
  • Fosters cooperative relationships with colleagues and/or the community
  • Fosters an environment where diversity in all of its forms is valued and appreciated and demonstrates keeping equity at the center of their work
  • Contributes to one or more of the following Ignite Goals, in the FCPS Strategic Plan (Student Success, Caring Culture, Premier Workforce, Resource Stewardship)

 Outstanding Operational Employee

  •  Provides a unique and exceptional contribution to FCPS through their work
  • Demonstrates commitment and leadership in their field
  • Fosters cooperative relationships with colleagues and/or the community
  • Fosters an environment where diversity in all of its forms is valued and appreciated and demonstrates keeping equity at the center of their work
  • Contributes to one or more of the following Ignite Goals, in the FCPS Strategic Plan (Student Success, Caring Culture, Premier Workforce, Resource Stewardship)

The deadline to submit a nomination is Thursday, October 31, 2024.

If you have any questions, please contact your Awards Liaison Assistant Principal Kristin Bermudez [email protected]

Elementary School Language Arts Grading Updates

Our teachers have been hard at work teaching with the new Language Arts curriculum, and we are excited to help all of our students become strong readers and writers! This year we also have new assessments, which is how we check if your student needs extra help with reading and writing, and new Standards of Learning (SOLs).

Because of these changes, we are now teaching all of the Language Arts skills your child needs to know (and checking if they need extra help) throughout the whole school year, instead of different skills each quarter. While these skills will be new to your child in the beginning of the year, the goal is for your child to grow strong in all of their new skills by the end of the year.

This means that when you get your child’s progress report next month, it might look different. Your child’s teacher will give you more information on the new progress reporting and how we’re making sure your child is getting any extra help they might need. You can also find more information on FCPS’ Grading and Reporting webpage.

Return Your Federal Impact Aid Survey

FCPS is asking all families to fill out a Federal Impact Aid Survey. The form is available in SIS ParentVUE under Online Packets (in the upper right corner after logging in). Please complete it as soon as possible.

For any families who have not completed the survey in ParentVUE, schools will provide paper forms starting Wednesday, November 13. Paper forms should be returned by Wednesday, December 4.

Completing this form for each school-aged child in every household is important. Information from this survey resulted in more than $4 million in funding last year from the U.S. Department of Education. These funds are used to support all Fairfax County public schools and centers.

For more information, please watch this video on Impact Aid and visit the Federal Impact Aid Survey page.

Need to Register for ParentVUE? 

Learn how to activate your SIS ParentVUE account, so you can easily submit your survey. 

Technical support for using ParentVUE or completing the survey online is available by submitting a Parent Support Request ticket. Select SISParent in the Application dropdown menu and type Federal Impact Aid Survey under Issue Description. Or, call the Parent Technology Help Desk at 833-921-3277 (833-921-FCPS).

3333 Sleepy Hollow Road, Falls Church, VA 22044 | Main Office: 703.237.7000
Attendance: 703.237.7097 | Web | Twitter

1 hour 51 minutes ago
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